Friday, 14 October 2011

First Mod to Moodle

I've just finished working on my first mod for Moodle. I've developed a simple slider based on bxSlider and jquery. I've integrated it with a moodle news forum so that as posts are added to the forum the slider will automatically show the new post. Any image attached to the forum post will be used as the image on the left. If no image is attached a default image is used. Content is clipped at a limit specified as a setting. Clicking anywhere on the slider will take the user to the relevant post in the forum.

The new code sits in the forum folder and the slider is displayed through the use of an iFrame. The good thing about this approach is that the iFrame code can be pasted into the HTML view of the content management interface of Moodle. You can see an example below:

This can be placed on the front page or at the top of a course. No changes were made to Moodle system files, although it does require some extra files being copied to the /mod/forum/ folder


  1. Hi Andy. Awesome piece of work! Like a breath of fresh air. This will go nicely on any Moodle course page I would reckon.
    Frankie Kam

  2. Hi Andy, any chance you can make your mod available for downloading by other Moodlers? I would love to have it working on my site with your permission.

  3. Hello, so is there any news for this mod? It would be great to have such thing.
